Sunday, July 19, 2009

i know complaining about the weather gets you nowhere, but ...

the view from our apartment on saturday

the rainy season is ruining my life. i use the word "ruining" in the loosest fashion possible, obviously. rather, it's inconveniencing my life. disrupting plans. causing us to stay in our apartment all weekend after a canceled white water rafting trip and avoid getting washed away by the intimidating torrential rain. being outside is like having a shower with your clothes on, and our clothes-line laundry won't ever dry because it's so damp outside! using my over-sized umbrella only prevents my head from getting wet, so our short jaunt to school requires packing a change of clothes (and thankfully i found room in my luggage for my rubber boots, as they're being put to very good use).

apparently, the rainy season used to last for about two and a half weeks."from july 4th or 5th, to about july 21" my korean friend informed me last week. very precise. however, global warming/climate change/what have you has extended the time period, and now it's length is unpredicatable. unnnnnnngggggggggggghhh. (that's my groan of disgust).

this season makes me cranky. but at least simon and martina have made this thorough video so you can get the jist of what i'm talking about ...

send sunshine thoughts our way!

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