Monday, July 6, 2009

minor celebrities.

in korea, junk mail reaches a new level with daily taped advertisement(s) on your door. sometimes they become more inventive with magnets or whole shopping bags of flyer-goodness on your doorknob. mostly, it's just instant recycling or decor for our refrigerator. it's lost on us, as the catchy slogans and super-saving deals are all in korean. regardless, without fail, there will always be at least one to be found pasted to our doorway ... our doorknob ... the wall next to our door ... you get the idea.

and we're we ever surprised to come home from seoul last evening to find this precious gem taped to our door:

well, what is it? why it's a (massive) flyer advertising our school, in which our lovely mugs are working as fodder to draw the masses - of our apartment complex and then some. as if being the only white people in the vicinity wasn't enough to grant celebrity status (ie, stares) already!
to be honest, it's a strange mix of pride and embarrassment to be so "famous" ... and absolute relief that they didn't decide to put us on the side of a bus.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Hahaha this is great, RJ is such a goof!